Start your health revolution, declare your health independence!

A Natural Health Revolution

Start your health revolution, declare your health independence!

fireworksThe fireworks are flying, you’re ooooohing and ahhhhing, but what are you really celebrating? A strong, independent country? Hopefully you’ve thought of that and more. What does independence really mean to each of us as individuals?

One connection to independence is freedom. As it relates to my personal life, I think of the freedom I found once I started regaining my health, outside of our current medical system. Having not found answers or solutions to my situation, I was determined to find them myself which started my personal healthcare revolution! I was able to declare my independence and take back my health for myself. No longer confined to bed most days due to crushing joint pain, intestinal troubles and blinding migraines (and the list goes on…), I started getting back to doing the things I loved and enjoying life again.

Now that I have declared my own personal health independence, it brings me great joy, satisfaction and fulfillment to help others do the same. Some of the most important questions I ask others are:

What are you missing out on due to your lack of health?

What would you do if you felt GREAT every day or even most days?

What would it mean to you to be able to do those things?

The answers are of course as varied as the people answering them. Some goals are things many take for granted, it can be a desire to be able to sit on the floor in order to play with the grandkids or be able to walk down the hall to shop without a scooter.

Recently, I’ve been working with a gal whose main goal was to get back in the saddle, literally. She was bucked from a horse a few years back and while healing had been confined to a wheelchair. During that time, she gained weight and lost flexibility that was now preventing her from riding again. We started her out on an intensive lifestyle change program to help her lose weight safely and quickly (she said she wanted it gone “last year!”) and within just a few short weeks she was regaining her flexibility and lost about 15 pounds. She felt confident with her progress and got back on that horse! She can’t believe the difference she’s feeling already. “Imagine how much better you’ll feel in a few more weeks” I said, and she just gave me a big smile with a hug. That’s what health independence is all about; feeling your best so you can do the things you love and enjoy life to its fullest!girls with sparklers

One definition of independence is “direction of one’s own affairs without interference.” We remove interference in your body with lifestyle changes; removing toxins, giving your body proper fuel and rest. So by making these healthy choices, you are declaring your health independence! That’s something to celebrate! What choices will you make to start your health revolution?

To our Wildly Grounded Revolution!

-Dr. Rachel

Rachel Seltzner is a Naturopath on a mission to make the world a better place by helping others feel their best! She enjoys writing about healthy lifestyles, holistic nutrition and nature. When not in the office or playing ringmaster to her kids, dog and chickens, she manages to do some gardening, enjoys camping and living “wildly grounded.” Read more from her at http://www.naturallyrach.comor connect with her at

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